Noordheuwel Tennis Club
The Noordheuwel Tennis Club was founded in 2001 when the Key West shopping centre was built on the site of the then Pretoriuspark Tennis Club.
We currently have ten tennis courts that are all in good condition.
There are two sucessful accademies where collectively more than 100 students are coached. The one accademy is run by Marcel Grobbelaar and he can be reached on 072 641 7728.
The other accademy is run by Frank Alonso who is also the club’s vice-chairman. 078 758 2516 Coaching is mainly done in the afternoon on weekdays.
On Saturday mornings the Gauteng West D2 Schools utilise all the courts for training and competitions.
On Saturday afernoons all the courts are used for social tennis and everybody with at least fair tennis skills are invited to join. The visitors fee is R25.
Full membership fees are R1600 per annum, and
Non-social fees are R1000 per annum.
We also have various other memberships for families, students etc
The Comittee:
Chairman : Francois du Toit
Vice-Chairman : Frank Alonso
Treasurer : Ingrid Niszl
Secretary : Pieter Naude
All enquiries are handled by Frank Alonso: 078 758 2516